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Denyse…the one and only - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

I have never looked at, far less, cried over a national icon’s "live funeral" (an ironic pairing of words), but I surprised myself by sobbing, sometimes deeply, through many parts of the televised celebration (held at Queen's Hall on September 6) of Denyse Plummer's life.

I cried because the ceremony was infused with love, appreciation, gratitude and respect for a woman who had humbly and sincerely given so much of herself and her talents to her family, her country, its people and God. Who could not help but be deeply moved by the beautifully organised, resplendent celebration of a life fully lived and purpose well served?

As one of the MCs said at one point, Denyse (fondly referred to on a first-name basis by the nation) did not just belong to her family, but also to TT and the world.

I was touched by the sight of the auditorium, packed with people who had clearly come to be a part of the significant occasion. Even via the telecast, it was clear that the air at the venue was charged with electricity – a special energy generated by the meaningful gathering of people and the spirit inherent in that devoted performer’s final public appearance.

I did not know Denyse personally. Like most throughout the nation, my main experience of her was via her performances, witnessed from childhood and into later years. So many of us grew up with Denyse Plummer as a household name, face, voice and presence. Who in TT did not know of her? Many would look forward to seeing what dramatic wig/hairstyle or innovative outfit she would wear for her next appearance.

One day, some years ago, I saw the name Denyse Plummer "liking" a Facebook post on the Venus Doggess Of Love animal rescue page. I wondered if it was

the Denyse Plummer or someone who happened to have the same name. It turned out to be "the one and only."

Over time, she continued following the page. I vaguely recall her commenting at some point that she would have adopted a certain one of our canine rescues had she been able to. That was a while ago and, while that specific comment is a needle in a haystack, I recall her being elevated further in my estimation simply because of the awareness of her interest in and love for animals.

I often wonder which "famous" or "well known" local figures are genuine animal lovers... those who would, for example, sincerely and selflessly love a mangy, skeletal pothound, and not just favour the image created by posing with an expensive or "trending" breed of dog. Which local celebrities and "influencers" could be authentic and effective spokesmen for all animals, willing to use their "stage" to highlight the importance of caring for, being kind to, respecting and protecting these vulnerable sentient beings?

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In retrospect, especially after having viewed Denyse’s funeral, I declare that, as a performer who inspired and influenced many throughout the nation, and world, she would have been an excellent spokesman for the animal kingdom.

It was through

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