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DoP launches charity initiative

DRUMS of Peace (DoP),Vusa Makokoba, Roots Zimbabwe in partnership with Elyse and James Olson from the United States donated food items to Khanyisa isibane Drumming School (KiDS) and the elderly at Thabiso Youth Centre in Makokoba, Bulawayo at the weekend. BY SHARON SIBINDI The donation came at a time when most families have been hit by economic hardships in the wake of the COVID-19-induced lockdown. About 80 people benefited and firstly, we gave the beneficiaries of the Drums of Peace under KiDS. We then extended the donation to the elderly and artistes who are in need, Lewis Ndlovu, leader of DoP told NewsDay Life Style. He said the inspiration came from the programme which he has been running for the past three years Santa Comes to Makokoba but this time focus was on needy families. For the past three years, I have been running a programme where Santa comes to Makokoba under Vusa Makokoba. The spirit of giving should extend to the vulnerable and those in need during this COVID-19 lockdown. So I thought of speaking to those who are able to assist, they did assist and thanks to all for the support, he said. I have love for the children. So we looked at the needy families, artistes and with artistes it was those I have worked closely with such as Umkhathi, Iyasa, DoP and Ezimnyama to name a few. Ndlovu said he opened the doors for well-wishers to help him support his programme. It is my hope that there will be more support. I appeal to all well-wishers to come forward so that we can extend to other needy families during this pandemic lockdown. My wish is this can be a monthly thing, he said.

The post DoP launches charity initiative appeared first on NewsDay Zimbabwe.

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