Proudest Dad Moment: To practice safety and social distancing, Deron moved out of the family home to isolate himself during COVID-19.
What Kept Him Motivated during Covid-19: Deron says that COVID-19 made him realize “how much I had to lose —nobody left a legacy for me, and as a black father, everything is about legacy.”
What Kept Him Motivated during Covid-19: Chris says that seeing his children, Jayden and Amari, wait at the door to ask him about his day is what motivated him to keep being safe.
“My Main Motivation was to provide for my family and keep them safe” – Jeffrey Baker
Position: Nurse Practitioner, PHD in nursing with specialty in Gerontology, teacher at Oakland University
Best Dad Advice: Listen to your children.
What Kept Him Motivated during Covid-19: Randon explained how a vast majority of mental healthcare workers were furloughed as a result of the Pandemic, and as a result he acquired many mental health patients under his care.