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Earth Today | Local Green-Blue Enterprise Radar toolkit now available to communities

THE RELEASE of ‘The Local Green-Blue Enterprise (LGE) Radar: A Tool for Community Enterprises’ by the Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI) is expected to support COVID-19 economic recovery that is fair, environmentally sustainable, low-carbon and resilient.

CANARI said the toolkit, developed in collaboration with the Green Economy Coalition (GEC), is “a simple but effective tool that can help community micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) assess how they are doing and where they can improve in delivering on the triple bottom line benefits of economic, environmental and social sustainability, as well as good governance”.

“As we commit to transforming Caribbean economies coming out of the COVID-19 crisis, practical and easy-to-use tools, like the LGE Radar, are necessary to empower these MSMEs to understand their role in this economic transformation,” she added.

Since 2010, CANARI has been engaging Caribbean stakeholders in dialogues to explore ‘green economy’ and ‘blue economy’ in the Caribbean context, and the pathways for transformation of our economic development models to ones that are more environmentally sustainable, inclusive and resilient.

This toolkit was developed and piloted with support from two regional projects being implemented by CANARI – #GE4U: Transformation Towards an Inclusive Green Economy in the Caribbean and Powering Innovations in Civil Society and Enterprises for Sustainability in the Caribbean, which are both funded by the European Union.

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