We are right to worry that the events of the last week will too easily pigeonhole the sweeping tragedy of racism in America into merely a matter of police conduct, as critically important an issue that is.
The murder of young black men at the hands of police is one of the many terrible consequences of systematic and non- systematic racism that exists in America.
We must all push back on any implication that if we were to somehow solve police misconduct that the issue of black disenfranchisement will be solved.
I’ve worked my whole life encouraging black youth on Chicago’s Westside to pursue post-secondary education as the first step to claiming what is rightfully theirs: economic opportunity in this, the wealthiest nation on earth.
But, we also must use this moment to fortify our efforts to bring opportunity to black youth and to answer the call of the Counting on Chicago Coalition and complete the census, and, to ensure we get the funding we need for education in our communities.