At this point, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has found that 78 percent people admitted into intensive care for COVID-19 had at least one underlying chronic condition.
It’s certainly no secret to anyone that the entire African American population in this country is at highest risk of infection and death from the COVID-19 virus.
Viral infections also can increase inflammation in people with diabetes and raise the risk for a life-threatening condition where the blood becomes too acidic, according to the American Diabetes Association (ADA).
The American Heart Associations’ Chief Medical Officer for Prevention issued the following statement: “If a large group of people – the herd – is immune to a virus, then an individual in the middle of this group is unlikely to become infected.
Herd immunity, then, happens when people in a community are protected from a virus and its associated disease to a degree that people who are not immune are still protected because of the high population immunity.”