Wakanda News Details

Eutaw City Council meeting continues to discuss Water Department

Most of the City Council meeting was devoted to a continuing discussion of the need to correct problems of water meters, computers and software to read the meters, conformity in water billing and making sure that the water was generating sufficient revenues to support the City budget.

The City Council reaffirmed its decision by a 4 to 1 vote to remove Mayor Steele as Superintendent of the Water System, however, there was dissension relative to taking the next steps to correct the problems in the Water Department.

Horne’s firm and the Alabama Rural Water Association presented a report to the City Council in February recommending changes to improve the city’s water system.Mayor Steele insists that although he is no longer Superintendent of the Water Department, as Mayor he still has day-to-day supervision of the water system.

The City Council voted to bid out a contract for management of the water system, however, at press time the Democrat has received no legal notice to print soliciting bids for management of the water system.

In other business, the Eutaw City Council:

• approved a resolution honoring first responders and frontline health care workers, scheduled for May 14, 2020;

• approved a resolution supporting the renovation of Elmwood Manor;

• approved a “Back to School – Sales Tax Holiday”, scheduled for July 14-19, 2020;

• agreed to pave M & M Drive as soon as funds are available;

• discussed pending insurance claims;

• requested a list of all purchases made by the City, since the beginning of 2020, to determine if supplies are adequate;

• discussed street washouts in the City and how to contract, with FEMA funding for their repair.

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