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Farewell to a missionary spirit, iconic clergyman - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: January 13 was a most sad and solemn day for the believers of the Presbyterian Church of TT (PCTT) who came to pay tribute/farewell from all corners of TT to their much revered iconic minister and pastor par excellence, Rev Anthony Rampersad.

It took pace at the historic Susamachar Presbyterian Church in a service of thanksgiving to celebrate his life of work and worship.

The late pastor/minister was the dedicated shepherd of the flock of the Aramalaya region and college chaplain of Hillview College.

A packed church filled with worshippers from all the regional divisions of the PCTT, together with an impressive cadre of fellow ministers led by the Moderator of the Synod, The Rt Rev Joy E Abdul-Mohan and including Rev Kieron Khellawan and Rev Winston Gopaul, participated in the divine service to pay tribute to a most loyal and dedicated shepherd who was ordained in 2009 after completing a successful career in banking and finance.

The Aramalaya Steel Ensemble under the direction of music impresario Satanad Sharma played a central role in the music aspects of the service.

Tributes were paid by the immediate relatives of the late minister including his son Shaun Rampersad, Tricia Phillips (his niece) and Stephanie Sam.

The impressive Baldeosingh Sisters Trio offered a song while Arianne Bailey performed a liturgical dance.

The message of comfort for those thousands who mourned the loss of a true loyal and unremitting messenger/servant of God was delivered by Rev Keron Khellawan.

This was my first experience in a Presbyterian Church service where the 'marrish and parrish' of the PCTT, including a most distinguished array of clergymen, were in attendance in full force to validate the outstanding work and divine worship of the late minister and say

ad unum:

Thank you, Rev Anthony; now you can enter into the joy of your Master and the place He has prepared for you.

The full colourful narrative of the late Rev Rampersad's final rites and sincere love-driven righteousness was revealed and indeed celebrated in song, dance, steelband music, choral singing, messaging, scriptures and tributes.

May he rest in heavenly peace and painless comfort.



The post Farewell to a missionary spirit, iconic clergyman appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.

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