For Juneteenth, and frankly, for any occasion, we at Hip-Hop Wired have compiled a short collection of songs to accompany your celebrations.
As an outlet, we place a strong emphasis on Hip-Hop music and culture, but it goes without saying that other forms of Black music are firmly on our radar.
HHW’s The WK UP (said as “wake up”) playlist series is usually reserved for older Hip-Hop music acts or tracks we belive folks missed out on but we’ve been remixing its usage lately.
The WK UP playlist gets switched around periodically, so we encourage everyone who enjoyed it to please save your favorite songs to your personal faves list as the Juneteenth offerings won’t be up forever.
Photo: Getty
Freedom Day: Hip-Hop Wired’s Juneteenth Playlist Courtesy Of The WK UP
was originally published On The Urban Daily: