The cast of Gen V are mourning the unexpected loss of co-star Chance Perdomo, who died at the age of 27 after a motorcycle accident Saturday. The cast released a joint statement Monday, writing, “Our hearts are with Chance’s loved ones as we grieve this shocking loss. We will remember the special moments we had together, his infectious smile that could light up any room, his warm hugs and the authenticity he carried with him always. Rest in peace dear friend, you will be deeply missed.” — Lizzē Broadway (@BroadwayLizze) April 1, 2024 Lizzie Broadway, who shared the joint statement via her X account, also wrote a handwritten message to Perdomo, which she posted on Instagram Sunday. “Remembering my beloved friend and cast mate, Chance Perdomo, whose passing has left a profound void in my heart,” she wrote. “Chance possessed so many interpersonal gifts that I treasured deeply. He was a vital part of my growth as an individual, his gentle spirit lifting me up...