The Walt Disney Company held a design competition earlier this year, dubbed the Disney On The Yard Innovation Challenge. Specifically, the competition focused on students attending HBCUs , and one illustrious school situated on the Virginia coast came out on top! Specifically, the Hampton University team--comprised of Trajan Baker, Alexis Golston, Yndeiah Kilby, and Abdul Cokley--ultimately won the competition with their design. The basis of the Disney On The Yard Innovation Challenge was to allow HBCU students to respond to a prompt of sorts by coming up with an original concept. "The project design focused on an area being studied by the third-year design students and focused on sea-level rise," revealed Robert L. Easter , Chair of the Architecture Dept. "The students created a Disney character--Zahara, an Egyptian princess--whose mission was to inform the public about the challenges of rising seas. Their design was entitled 'Zahara's Palace' and served as a community...