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Have we moved into political overkill? - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: Crime, the political elephant trampling TT, is now so usefully, politically and beautifully decorated that it cannot be enticed to move. 

At a time when being asked if you see something, say something, this is my personal, unsolicited something. 

Is it possible/probable that citizens are now being treated like we all are stupid? All kinds of impossible promises are being made to secure our vote.

Will we be going to the polls in 2025 hoping for a political party that will allow/supply/free lights and water and also fix roads/landslides, bridges and overflowing rivers just by professing political love? No property taxation? In this day and age? All we have to do is  hope?

Is the new political third party HOPE, being led by supremely well educated people with political experience, the answer to PNM/UNC? Were any of these hopers previously politically rejected way in the past? Why? 

In local parlance we ask, What is it that they do? Who did what wrong or never, realistically, ever enjoyed true political beauty?

The two main political entities, the PNM and the UNC, will remain with their secure base voters.  For how long? Forever and ever, amen.

Both the PNM and the UNC have to keep working on their image. It is never too late.

However, this is TT where the enhancement of political image is absolutely, positively everything. Think about the following.

Can it be said that, in building your own blockage to crime and criminality in your particular area, you are telling the purchasing public "do not come here unless we can examine all your credentials?"

Even if everything is on sale cheaper than anywhere else, why allow yourself to be insulted and intimidated? You are not bound to go shopping there. Farse and out of place to treat possible shoppers like bandits.

 Plenty other vendors are looking to make a living selling further down the road.

And the political offer of free gifts for all children is hysterical. Up until age 18 you are considered a minor. Children over age five do not want toys. What they each definitely want is the latest, most expensive cell phone.  

So, are we all talking political overkill in the run-up to general election 2025? Please pardon the word "overkill."

Talk in TT will always be free and definitely cheap. If you see something, say something, nah!


Diego Martin

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