The injustice for black and brown people isn’t something foreign to this society.
Slaves, indentured servants, monkeys, colored, Negro, and the infamous “N-word” have been used as tools for white people to remind Black folk of what they believe is their rightful place in society as second class citizens.
The systematic construct of the educational environment lacks the adequate resources and teachings behind the truth of how the White man’s oppression towards people of color wasn’t something that was created over night, but something that was developed by the founding fathers to last on this soil til the day God returns!
Black brothers and sisters had to make their voices heard by doing both radical and intellectual protests, because their simple cry for justice was left unheard by the white men who held these positions of power within our government.
While we may not have large numbers of Klan members and other racist organizations openly active today, those original members are people’s grandparents, uncles, aunties and cousins who still live to this day and have invested that racial hate in their offspring!