LOS ANGELES — City Councilman Jose Huizar was not present via teleconference at the May 19 Los Angeles City Council meeting, the first since he was asked to reduce his activity amid an FBI probe.
Responding to a request by the council president, Huizar, who represents Boyle of Heights, parts of downtown and other Eastside communities, said last week he will “limit my participation” in council activities amid a continuing federal corruption probe into alleged bribery of city officials by well-heeled developers.
The request came two days after federal prosecutors announced a plea agreement with a development consultant in connection with the federal probe, which involves an unnamed council member.
Although federal prosecutors have not named the council member alleged to be involved in the probe, details in court documents point to Huizar as a central figure in the investigation.
On May 13, federal prosecutors announced a plea agreement with real estate development consultant George Chiang, who is expected to admit his role in a “pay-to-play” bribery scheme involving an unnamed council member with the goal of advancing large-scale development projects.