Jaron Oneal Dottin on Wednesday expressed remorse for his actions which led to the death of his brother Jamon Lewis on April 13, 2020.“It’s been hard not only for my family but for me. I regret everything that has happened and if I could go back in time I would do [everything] to bring back my brother,” said the Dukes Tenantry, St Thomas man moments before he was sentenced to time served which has allowed him to spend his first Christmas at home in two years.“[It’s] terrible losing a brother. I am sorry for the circumstances that I caused . . . . [I] just want to move on forward with my life and be there for my niece. She was only two years old when my brother passed away and she is five now. I just want to build a relationship with her and be there for my family . . . . ,” he added.The landscaper had previously pleaded not guilty to murder but guilty to manslaughter before Justice Carlisle Greaves in the No. 3 Supreme Court.