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By: Travis McGee Yes, it takes a village, but where has the village been? As we look at the current state of our Community the Village has been missing in action for some time now. We all remember what the Village used to be vs what it is compared to now. It consisted of every man, woman, and child which made up families that made up neighbor-hoods, communities, schools, and churches. Th e Village used to feed, clothe you, bury you, celebrate you, and even whoop you etc., because it was all love that made the Village the Village. The Village I knew was very tight knit, you know like one big family, but those days are long gone. Nowadays it is all about Me,  Myself,  and I, I got mine you got to get yours, it is not my problem, we got to do better, I am better than you, holier than thou, and bougie uniformed people who only off er their Opinions. Th e sad part about these different mindsets that they were all raised by the Village is they just lost their way. t 365 days (about 12 months) in a year that we have a new opportunity each of those days to get involved and informed if we choose to do so vs reacting to is-sues, giving uninformed opinions, even spreading false information on social media that affect us all in some way. Our Neighborhood have become Neighborless oods because we do not even know our neighbors or lookout for one another and those that we did know died off and the heirs of the deceased have sold the properties and moved out. Th e community does not communicate, research, or organize to make the Village better and stronger, because they choose to not be involved or inform but criticize those involved and fi ghting for them. Our schools whether elementary, middle, or high school all have become Big overaged day cares that receives bare minimum support from parents, the school district, some of the staff or the alumni.

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