LUCEA, Hanover —The Jamaica Teachers' Association (JTA) is currently working with a team from The University of the West Indies (UWI) to create a verified voters' list for this year's JTA president-elect election.
I know that the JTA has requested certain information from members in order to create a verified voters' list, which is critical to the contest because we want to have a very good election that is free from any issues relating to its authenticity and integrity,” said Dr Garth Anderson, immediate past president of the JTA.
Addressing the JTA's Hanover annual general meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, Dr Anderson disclosed that the JTA is currently working on setting an election date.
During this year's conference, the current President Owen Speid is expected to hand over the baton to president-elect Jasford Gabriel, principal of Manchester High School in Manchester, who was elected last year.
It will also impact the format of this year's annual general conference, slated for August.