Blavity’s Shadow and Act has the exclusive premiere for the series finale for The Psychological Evolution of F*boys, from Keke Palmer ‘s KeyTV. The scripted series is “is a captivating dramedy series that delves into the world of a doctoral candidate embarking on a groundbreaking research journey. The series takes a practical and modern approach to exploring the experiences of Black men in therapy, or the lack thereof, and how their internalized trauma, unresolved familial issues, and much more influence their approach to love, sex, and relationships.” Executive produced by Palmer and brought to life by Nakia Stephens, the series’ stars include The Wire’s Jermaine Crawford, Guxci and Deborah Michal. Here’s the description for the season finale, “Someplace Like Home”: Onyx and the boys confront their past and make pivotal choices in the face of personal and relationship challenges. The episode begins with a heartfelt apology, unveiling layers of emotions triggered by a friend’s...