Kirk Franklin wants to take it back to the days of Geraldine and Betty. On Monday, the gospel singer jumped on Instagram to announce the birth of his new granddaughter. In early January, the Grammy-winning artist posted a video announcing that his oldest daughter, Carrington, and her husband, Maxx, were expecting their second child. After expressing joy about the new baby, he shared his discrepancies with her name. Seated in his car, Franklin seemed deep in thought when he started the video. “My daughter just gave birth to my second grandchild,” he announced. “Beautiful little girl named Levi. Levi’s beautiful, but I told my daughter that I think to save the next generation, we need to go back…to real names. Franklin proceeded to tell us his idea of “real” names. He said, “That baby should have been named Betty. Phyllis. Geraldine. Ruby. See, we moved too far. We need some more Charlenes. You know, we’ve got to take it back if we’re going to change the world. Bring back Johnnie...