L.A. Prepares for More Demonstrations After Friday’s Violence
Police were planning for another challenging day today after multiple businesses were looted and hundreds of protesters arrested Friday night in downtown Los Angeles, amid demonstrations against police brutality following the in-custody death of George Floyd in Minneapolis on Monday.
“Six Los Angeles Police Officers were injured during the protests on Friday night and early Saturday morning,” Moore tweeted.
Also at noon, Black Lives Matter Los Angeles will hold a rally at Pan Pacific Park, 7600 Beverly Blvd., to call for an end to police brutality against unarmed black Americans and for justice in the death of Floyd and for “the 601 people murdered by police in L.A. County.”
People took to the streets Friday for the third consecutive night to demand justice for George Floyd, who died Monday after being handcuffed and pinned to the ground by a white Minneapolis Police Department officer, Derek
Chauvin, who pressed his knee on the 46-year-old man’s neck for several minutes while three other officers looked on.
The looting came about four hours after several people were detained shortly before 7 p.m. near Fifth and Olive streets for allegedly throwing objects at officers and damaging police cars that were parked near the intersection.