Laila Ali , unfortunately, shared her thoughts on mask-wearing and the COVID-19 vaccine, Yahoo reports. In a now-deleted Instagram post that was shared on Twitter, the former women’s heavyweight champion came to the defense of anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers. "People don’t seem to understand that just b/c some folks don’t wear masks, don’t want the shot, don’t listen to the media or live in fear…it doesn’t mean they don’t ‘believe’ the virus is real or think they can’t get it,” she wrote . "They know it was created to harm humanity!” Laila Ali out here wildin with anti-mask, anti-vaxx, anti-science and conspiracy religious rhetoric. Sheesh 😒 — FrugalLisa ✊🏾 Resist Like A Sistah (@FrugalLisa) August 18, 2021 Ali said that people who are refusing to get the vaccine are exercising their rights and relying on their faith. “They simply choose to build up & trust their own immune system like they have been doing all their life,” she argued. “If they get it, they...