Wakanda News Details

Liberia: CPP Finalizes Framework

Ahead of the Special Senatorial Election due October this year, the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) has finalized a framework document making the institution a legally recognized political party.The CPP is comprised of four opposition collaborating political parties, including immediate past ruling Unity Party (UP), Liberty Party (LP), Alternative National Congress (ANC) and the All Liberian Party (ALP).

The joint statement points out that a formal ceremony for the endorsement of the document has yet to be executed by the four political parties due to the ongoing coronavirus crisis in the country.

In adherence to the emergency health protocols to fight COVID-19, the CPP says the ceremony will be virtually held among the four political leaders, chairpersons and other executives of the constituent parties to the CPP.

Further, the CPP commits to promote a common agenda (where necessary) to aid, support and encourage the ongoing efforts of individual political parties aimed at ensuring responsive governance and effective collaboration for the good of the country Additionally, the CPP commits to demonstrate, above all that political collaborations is not only possible, but also necessary and crucial to the development of democracy, and to encourage the participation of all political parties.

Finally, the CPP agrees to encourage the respective national chairpersons and leaderships of the various political parties to continue with and intensify efforts leading to the commemoration of this arrangement.

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