On Friday, Lizzo’s cryptic “I quit” Instagram post had social media on edge. The singer didn’t allow any comments on the text post but clarified that she was tired of being “dragged” by everyone in her life and on the internet. She continued, claiming that even after trying to “help the world be a little better” with her music, she still has to “go against lies” and be the “ butt of people jokes. “ She ended the post telling everyone she “didn’t sign up for this s**t,” wrote, “I QUIT,” and threw up the peace sign. After such an obscure message, the world thought it was the last they would hear from the Grammy winner. However, she clarified that she didn’t mean it like that. On Tuesday, the singer returned to Instagram with a video assuring fans that she would still release music but would shift where she focused her energy. “I wanted to make this video because I just need to clarify when I say ‘I quit,’ I mean I quit giving any negative energy attention,” she said while...