Fans are flooding social media to show Lizzo love for her recent Saturday Night Live performance that had a nod to Black art. The singer opened her “Break Up Twice” performance as she sat on the edge of a bed, wearing a white slip, portraying a woman carrying a heavy burden. Lizzo’s weary expression in front of the blue background was a dead ringer for “Blue Monday” by artist Annie Lee. “ Blue Monday ” is a self-portrait that doesn’t incorporate her face. Yet, Lee felt the possibly exhausting feeling of waking up on a Monday and returning to the working world is universal. Lee’s iconic painting was a staple backdrop in Black television in the 1990s. The Cosby Show , 227 , and more used the painting as part of their sets. According to the Black Art Depot , Lee’s artwork style was coined “Black Americana.” Her credibility came from the ability to depict everyday African American life. She held her first art exhibit at 50, and her pieces sold out within minutes. Lee passed away at the...