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Logical views on security issues - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: Credit must be extended to the person on the Tobago Update programme of January 9. For the very first time have I heard a logical and dispassionate presentation on national security issues of TT.

While there continues to be exponential increases in gun-related homicides, there has been no attempt at critical analyses of the underlying factors.

The person provided arguments that appear to be founded on logic. Not only has he ably and concisely done so, but he has done it with laser-focussed clarity. In summary, my understanding is as follows:

The fundamental approach to change must necessarily be guided by objectively analysing the following:

▪︎ Proliferation of firearms in criminal activities.

▪︎ Paucity in internal security and the absence of both the requisite focus and rigour in application.

▪︎ National security related to national defence and respect for the TT republican status and its right to exist among all other independent nations.

His conclusion suggests that the appropriate response cannot rely on increases in the availability of firearms nor increases in numerical strength of existing personnel in the various services.

The issue to be resolved lies in a determination of what are the change responses in the national security apparatus that are likely to provide significant reduction in criminality and deviant behaviour. Resolution must also include changes in education and our justice system, both of which are frequently overlooked when knee-jerk responses are provided by our numerous armchair experts.

I strongly agree with his recommendation for serious structural changes that address:

▪︎ Border security to reduce access of firearms and illicit trade items.

▪︎ Internal security to facilitate all normal economic and community activities.

▪︎ National defence services.

He also underscored the need for a co-ordinated central command to avoid the problem of decision-making in silos.


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