CARIBBEAN Cement Company Limited and Jamaica Pre-Mix Concrete Limited are assiting the St James Municipal Corporation to sanitise streets in the parish capital, Montego Bay.
Working with the municipality, the police, and the fire service, the two companies will provide cement mixer trucks filled with sanitation fluid to clean St James Street and Sam Sharpe Square on Sunday, June 28.
Jamaica Pre-Mix and Carib Cement collaborated in May to clean Nelson Mandela Park in Half-Way-Tree; St William Grant's Park in downtown Kingston, and the park located in Papine Square, St Andrew.
Sanitisation is an important part of keeping our cities looking good, so our company is committed to assisting where it is possible to do so,” said John Valentine, managing director of Jamaica Pre-Mix.
The fight to contain COVID-19 belongs to everyone and Jamaica Pre Mix and Carib Cement must be congratulated for this initiative.