Visitors such as Falisha Shabazz of Richmond, Virginia, played some blackjack and roulette Monday morning, as fewer seats than usual were separated by plexiglass to protect other players and employees.
Employees also appreciate the additional safety measures such as a four-sink, hand-washing station on the casino floor near the slot machines.
Hotel guests receive a complimentary package containing a mask, hand sanitizer spray and a stylus that enables slot machine play without having to touch the buttons or pull the levers.
"I was a little nervous, but I’m really happy about all the safety measures MGM is providing us with to feel safe and healthy," said Yolanda Perez, an MGM employee who works at the table games.
Churches and other houses of worship may expand indoor services to 50 percent capacity, but must provide safeguards such as hand sanitizer and implement physical distancing requirements.