The Minneapolis City Council approved a ban on the use of neck restraints and chokeholds as part of an agreement with the Minnesota Department of Human Rights.
The deal came after the Minnesota Human Rights Department filed a civil rights charge against Minneapolis Police for the death of George Floyd, reported Minneapolis newspaper the Star Tribune.
“Black, Indigenous, and communities of color have suffered generational pain and trauma as a result of systemic and institutional racism and long-standing problems in policing,” a draft stated.
The document states Minneapolis Police would have to update its manual to include a policy “to prohibit the use of all neck restraints or choke holds for any reason,” according to the Star Tribune.
The agreement also states that any officer, regardless of rank or years on the force, who “observes another member of the City’s Police Department use any unauthorized use of force, including any choke hold or neck restraint…has an affirmative duty to immediately report the incident while still on scene by phone or radio to their Commander or their Commander’s superiors.”