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MP Benjamin fights for food - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

Last Monday evening at the UNC public forum, Member of Parliament for Moruga/Tableland Michelle Benjamin brought public attention to a very serious national issue - food production.

She expressed worry that the '$90-million' agro-processing and light industrial park project launched in July 2020 for Moruga and surrounding regions remains incomplete after great taxpayers' expense. So too is the '$62-million' Moruga/Grand Chemin Fishing Depot started in August 2020 - is still incomplete. Is it abandoned? Why? The government should clarify.

Ms Benjamin explained that both food production and export-potential projects carry great value for rural Trinidad social and economic development. Indeed, Moruga/Tableland and surrounding regions are burdened with high levels of unemployment, illiteracy, inter-generational poverty and broken expectations. Why were these projects launched with such great political fanfare in July and August 2020 and up to now appear so incomplete in purpose especially at a time when diminished food production and high food prices are deepening poverty and distressing the middle class?

Some government official or PM Dr Keith Rowley himself should explain what exactly stopped the development of these two food-security projects. And the costs so far. After all, he, like several other Caricom leaders, gave assurances to urgently develop local agriculture in view of international supply threats.

Clear the air. Farmers need inspiration and infrastructural support. Now, the way I see it, this matter of food production and processing should be way above political discrimination or spite. Members of both PNM and UNC eat similar food and face similar food shortages and high food prices. Who in the Cabinet really cares?

At the agro-processing project launch, Minister of Trade and industry, Senator Paula Gopee-Scoon, proudly declared: 'This new facility is not simply a government project. It is an investment by the government for the people of Moruga and the wider agricultural counties of Victoria, Nariva/Mayaro and St Patrick East and West. It offers countless opportunities for business.' Well, complete the mission or say why not.

Did the MP Benjamin, try to find out the reasons for the apparent delays?

'Apart from three tenants, the building stands relatively empty for over two years,' she said. She explained that in May she wrote the Minister of Trade and Industry to find out. She sought further information on 'agro-processing, light manufacturing, existing tenants, and opportunities to use the facilities so as to get the region's farmers and youth actively inspired and involved in local food production.' She said she got 'no response from the minister.' Regarding the Moruga fishing depot, MP Benjamin indicated that 'over 150 fishermen who utilise the port were promised a very modern facility but do not yet have access to such. They continue to use the dilapidated building without getting any reason why the project was stalled.'

Three things here: (1) First, a matter of parliamentary pro

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