Nike CEO John Donahue sent an internal memo to his staff announcing that the company would recognize Juneteenth as a holiday for U.S. employees, according to Yahoo Finance.
Nike’s remarks come as the company joins the ranks of other brands who have been asked to take corporate accountability in the fight against racism and white supremacy.
“As many of you may know, next Friday, June 19, is Juneteenth, a day commemorating the end of slavery in the U.S. Starting this year and going forward, Nike will recognize Juneteenth as an annual paid holiday in the U.S,” Donahue stated in the email obtained by Yahoo.
“I strongly believe that focusing on a more diverse and inclusive culture for our Black teammates does not take away from our commitment to build a more diverse and inclusive culture for all groups inside Nike.
In addition to the holiday, Nike has commuted to launch several wide-ranging initiatives, including maintaining diversity representation among employees and to invest in employee professional development.