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Opposition parties are terrorists, says ED

PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa has described MDC Alliance and all opposition political parties backing the Friday demonstrations as terrorists seeking to subvert the Constitution and usurp power illegally. BY BLESSED MHLANGA Opening an ordinary session of the Zanu PF politburo, Mnangagwa said the country was under threat from the terrorist organisations, which he claimed were after violating the constitutional order. “Since we last met three weeks ago on July 11, 2020, various events have happened in our country which have necessitated us to convene yet again, to share perspectives and chart a way forward,” Mnangagwa said. “This meeting is being held against the backdrop of the threat to our democracy, constitutionalism, and rule of law, independence and nationhood from terrorists masquerading as opposition parties and activists.” The organiser of the protests, Transform Zimbabwe leader Jacob Ngarivhume was denied bail and is in remand prison, but Mnangagwa alleged that they were a foreign-funded attempt to unseat his government. “It must never be in doubt that the objective of these rogue Zimbabweans acting in cahoots with foreign appendages, supporters and financiers is to stage an insurrection to overthrow our democratically elected government,” he said. “The planned insurrection of July 31 is connected to the violence and destabilisation that the opposition elements have fomented since the 2018 violence and the January 14-16, 2019 violent disturbances which led to loss of lives,” Mnangagwa said. He neglected to mention that his security forces shot and killed six unarmed civilians in the post-election violence of August 1, 2018 and 17 people during the anti-fuel price hike protests in January last year. He warned of a repeat in tomorrow’s protests. “I want to warn the organisers of this ill-fated demonstration that our security services will be vigilant and on high alert to appropriately respond to their shenanigans,” he threatened.

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