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Opposition rejects acting Commissioner of Police bill - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE Government on Friday failed to convince Opposition MPs to support a bill to remove parliamentary oversight on the appointment of someone as an acting commissioner of police (CoP) or deputy commissioner. The House of Representatives debated the Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2024, piloted by Attorney General Reginald Armour.

With Government MPs giving 21 votes "for" the bill while all 18 Opposition MPs voted "against", the bill failed to get the support of a requisite two-thirds special majority of MPs.

In an immediate reaction, Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar in a statement said the bill would have "omitted transparency and accountability" in the selection of an acting CoP and acting deputy CoP. "Today, the Opposition UNC scored a major victory on behalf of the people of T&T, and democracy, when they defeated the Government in its attempt to pass the Constitution Amendment Bill in Parliament.

"It is a victory for democracy, as the Government was unable to secure the two-thirds votes needed to pass the bill in the Lower House."

Armour in presenting the bill, asked for the Opposition to act responsibly.

He denied any rationale basis to suggest that passing the bill would threaten the independence of the police service or the police service commission (PSC).

Barataria/San Juan MP Saddam Hosein said the Opposition was treated with scant respect by an AG throwing a bill in their faces and telling them to support it.

"So when the AG comes, it can't be just speaking for 20 minutes and we support it."

Hosein asked if the bill passed, would the PSC's acting CoP nomination still be bound by its order of merit list? Must an acting CoP have similar credentials to the substantive CoP. "Is it that you already have a candidate in mind and will tailor it to their qualifications?"

He cited a 2021 ruling by High Court judge Nadia Kangaloo in a case brought by activist Ravi Balgobin Maharaj that said such nominations should go to Parliament for debate.

Hosein complained the bill did not limit how long a person could act for as Acting CoP without MPs' oversight. He recalled 230 acting appointments as CoP or DCP since 2009.

"There will be someone there acting for very long periods of time.

"Why is the Government favouring acting appointments."

Hosein asked why the Government had not sought to allow unscrutinised appointments of up to just 5-7 days, after which period then the nomination would go to Parliament.

He referred to a recent press ad for a new CoP, following a year extension given to CoP Erla Harewood-Christopher upon her reaching retirement age last year.

"Maybe the Government can tell us if Mrs Harewood-Christopher is going to get an extension or not."

Saying the issue required the Government to retain public trust and confidence, he referred to the Prime Minister being at President's House when the PSC's order of merit list for CoP was withdrawn, citing a news report of the PM saying he had been present.

Minister of National Security Fitzgerald Hinds said Harewood-Christo

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