Vertical Entertainment has premiered the official trailer for their latest film, Our Son. Directed by Bill Oliver, the film had its world premiere at the 2023 Tribeca Festival in June. Hails from a screenplay by Oliver and Peter Nickowitz, Our Son stars Emmy-winning actor Billy Porter and Luke Evans as a couple embroiled in a custody battle over their 8-year-old son. Here’s the official description: Nicky (Luke Evans), a book publisher devoted to his work, lives with his husband Gabriel (Billy Porter), a former actor and stay-at-home dad, and their 8-year-old son, Owen. Gabriel loves Owen more than anything; Nicky loves Gabriel more than anything. Despite appearances, Gabriel has been dissatisfied with their marriage for some time and files for divorce, leading to a custody battle that forces both of them to confront the changing reality of their love for each other and for their son. Aside from Porter and Evans, Our Son also stars Phylicia Rashad , Isaac Powell, Robin Weigert,...