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Paray and team lack political maturity - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: Why is it that within almost every incarnation of the UNC we always seem to encounter rogue forces who just refuse to be disciplined and focused?

When we look at the PNM and its discipline one is left to wonder what exactly has it done to keep its members in line so resolutely?

The truth is, it’s simple political maturity. Political maturity is what Rushton Paray, Dinesh Rambally, and Rai Ragbir all lack. Their few supporters who consist of their paid office staff should do well to recognize this immaturity in their employers.

Imagine, within the next few months, we are expected to face a general election, and this is the focus of an Opposition MP? Seeking to divide and embarrass the party along with its membership?

On the eve of a general election, when we are to have all hands on deck, we have soldiers who are marching out of line, breaking battle formations, and knowingly attempting to topple the general. Egos above all else for this type. They just cannot see the bigger picture of removing the PNM. It’s always a tantrum.

Look at the PNM. Four years into its second term and it could not be any more focused. Is there infighting and disagreements among its members?

Of course, there is, they are humans, but the difference is that they fight behind closed doors.

Paray and team, please learn some political maturity in the next life because I am sure the UNC membership has had enough of you in this one.



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