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Porn fascination endemic in Trinidad and Tobago? - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: You are nobody if you do not own a cellphone. The more expensive the better. Laptops and tablets are accepted as part of growing up. How many children do not have access to these important instruments of learning? And, in sweet TT style, we have to not only ape the First World but strive to outdo them with the salivating over pornography.

I have said it before, we have parts of central and south Trinidad where Trinis of all religious persuasions have been attempting to outdo Las Vegas. Beautiful young women, not all of them having been trafficked, working in night clubs and bars. You do not have to come to Port of Spain for sleazy, salacious entertainment.

The TT fascination with pornography is far from new. Well over 60-70 years. What has escalated is the modus operandi. Through every child possible being equipped with a cellphone, laptop or tablet, it has trebled the effect/range of being able to sell pornographic material.

Plus of course it is possible to buy into the TT macho man/woman mentality. If you rude, you rude.

Is sharing nudity and encouraging paedophilia now par for the course? Murders of women in TT and child endangerment have been on the increase for the past few years.

Our children have never been more vulnerable to sexual exploitation. How many parents truly check what their children follow on the internet?

What is questionable is the inference that a change in government will immediately quell this fascination with pornography.

Pornography is as rampant a crime as the deliberate murders taking place with gang reprisal killings. For some it is another means of employment, like selling nuts and doubles.

And on the topic of murders, the recent social media story about a 12-year-old shooting another at school in Helsinki because of being bullied asks the question: How safe is it to have thousands upon thousands of FUL guns easily available to minors?

Guns kill. End of story. Pornography is sick. End of story. Domestic violence leading to murder is rampant. End of another story. Is arson because of jealousy at a successful business venture our newest rampant story?

It is totally brain dead to believe that here in TT a few select people possess overnight political answers.

Right at this moment, our current opposition is incapable of making a magical dent in either crime or pornography.

Why? You tell me.


Diego Martin

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