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Prizes awarded for World Water Day Competition

<p><img align="left" height="80" hspace="4" src="/media.govt.lc/www/pressroom/news/screen-shot-2021-06-16-at-14.56.10.png" vspace="4" />The Department of Forestry held a prize giving ceremony for the winners of the World Forest and Water Day Competition.</p> <p>The Facebook photo competition was held in conjunction with World Water Day and World Forest Day 2021 celebrations and formed part of an effort to raise awareness of the importance of protecting our natural resources. To qualify for the competition, persons were required to photograph themselves in an eco-system and give a description of how it contributes to their life.</p> <p>Chief Forestry Officer, Alwin Dornelly, highlighted the role these activities play in raising awareness of the increase in deforestation as well as contamination of our natural resources. He commended the participants on their involvement in safeguarding Saint Lucia&rsquo;s ecosystems.</p> <p>Director of the Water Resources Management Agency (WRMA), Jason Ernest, encouraged participants to continue their efforts in sensitizing the public on the importance of protecting our natural resources.</p> <p>&ldquo;I also see you guys as being ambassadors for your households, for your family friends, and for your communities to spread the message that we need to continue to protect our resources because they are finite in Saint Lucia&mdash;they are limited.&rdquo;</p> <p>A first and second place winner was chosen from both the north and south of the island resulting in four winners total. The winners of the World Forest and Water Day Competition were awarded prizes that included Samsung tablets and cellphones sponsored by the South East Coast Project.</p>

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