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QuotaTT to celebrate 5 mothers - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

QuotaTT will recognise the contributions of five mothers who are serving the deaf and hard-of-hearing community, and disadvantaged women and children.

Mother's Day will be celebrated on May 9 and QuotaTT will take a deep dive into the challenges, struggles and successes of the women who will share their phenomenal stories on QuotaTT’s social media platforms during this month, a media release said.

The five mothers will share their mantra, the top three challenges they have experienced over the past year, their super power and advice for other mothers in similar circumstances.

QuotaTT said it wants to highlight the reality of the five different mothers. Explaining the purpose for this initiative president Jillian Jones-Smith said in the release, "what we do as a club is life-changing and sometimes we take for granted the many roles we play as mothers. So this initiative will showcase the perspectives and reality for five very different mothers, while celebrating their similarities."

Of the mothers, one will share her unique perspective on successfully raising two deaf children into well-adjusted young adults. While another will allow people into her world of caring for children in disadvantaged circumstances.

QuotaTT said its mission is to empower disadvantaged women and children, and advocate for the deaf and hard of hearing by creating opportunities that develop, grow and change lives.

It said the lives of these five women have been forever touched by the philanthropic work of QuotaTT. One of them said, "the work of clubs like QuotaTT is quietly done, but has left a lasting impression on me and my family. My life has forever been changed for having the members of QuotaTT provide support during my time of need."

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