Rapper Remy Ma shared her perspective on gender stereotypes when she recently sat down for an interview with HOT 97’s Ebro in the Morning show. The artist first provided some thoughts about the trend of adding “female” to a woman’s title. She said it’s unnecessary to add a qualifier such as “female rapper” or “female judge” because it makes women appear inferior at their job in comparison to men. Speaking about the stereotypes she has been conditioned to believe, however, Remy admitted that she prefers not to have a woman as an Uber driver. “That’s my biggest thing, if I see it I’m declining it,” the rapper said. “Because I don’t want a woman driver, period. Because most women can’t drive, I’m sorry.” Still, Remy described herself as an amazing driver. “I drive amazingly, I’m Nascar fast car,” she said. “But, for the most part, one time I got into the car [with a women driver] and I was peeling the skin off my eyelids. … I’m telling you, I know it’s a problem because I do it in...