The viral video that has been posted on various celebrities pages including Diddy and Shaun King is actually footage from an interview given by Sedan Smith in 2016 after his older brother Sylville Smith was murdered by Milwaukee police.
According to published reports around the incident, Smith’s passionate speech was given after the city of Milwaukee underwent riots for two days behind the lack of response and arrest of Black police officer Dominique Heaggan-Brown who they claim murdered Sylville Smith in cold blood while he was no threat and on the ground.
According to Milwaukee police at the time, Smith, who was armed, turned towards officers to surrender before being shot.
After falling to the ground it was reported that Smith received a second fatal shot.
During the trial, body-camera footage from another officer was released, showing that Heaggan-Brown shot Smith twice, with the second bullet being fired into his chest after Smith hurled his weapon over a fence and had his hands near his head.