Wakanda News Details

Running with Ahmaud: Chasing Truth What it Means to be Black in America

As part of its continuing programming to foster a deeper understanding between races and cultures, The Robert S. Abbott Race Unity Institute Inc., Glynn County, will conduct virtual workshops to examine systemic racism within our communities and institutions and the role it played that lead to the death of Brunswick citizen, Ahmaud Arbery.

The program will be facilitated by Cherry Steinwender, executive director and co-founder of The Center for the Healing of Racism in Houston and, Laura Gallier, program facilitator.

The Center is generously offering this program free of charge, but will accept donations at the session, Ms. Steinwender and Ms. Gallier will lead a discussion that examines the embedded societal conditioning and deep-rooted racial stereotypes that influenced the killing of Ahmaud Arbery, and which continue to perpetuate violence against African Americans throughout the country.

Mr. Arbery, a 25-year-old African American man jogging through the mostly white Satilla Shores community of Brunswick, Georgia, was chased and fatally shot by a group of neighborhood white men on February 23, 2020.


Register in advance for this meeting:

Register in advance for this meeting:

This is a continuation of Abbott Institute sponsored programming, such as the Dialogue Racism workshop presented last fall, to educate and enlighten participants regarding the systems that create the intentional and unintentional factors in our society that foster and perpetuate institutional and systemic racism.

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