Masengo sentiments represent those of survivors of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi, through the Umbrella lobby Ibuka, who want France and the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT), to extradite Felicien Kabuga to Rwanda.
According to Naphtali Ahishakiye, the Executive Secretary of Ibuka, it is only fair that someone like Mr Kabuga, who played such a critical role in the genocide, be tried in Rwanda where he committed the crimes.
"Even sitting in Mr Kabuga's trial for some genocide survivors would be justice to some whose lives were shattered by his crimes.
Faustin Nkusi, the spokesperson of the National Public Prosecution Authority said there is a possibility for Mr Kabuga to be sent to Rwanda if his case is sent to Arusha.
"We believe that procedures will be followed in France to have him sent to Arusha," he said, adding that should Mr Kabuga be sent to Arusha, the court may extradite him to Rwanda.