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School leaders offered training to manage institutions remotely

STARTING June 1, school leaders across Jamaica will participate in a virtual instructional leadership (VIL) online course, which will equip them with the skills and competencies to effectively manage institutions remotely.

Acting Chief Education Officer Dr Kasan Troupe, in a bulletin issued by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information recently, noted that with the suspension of classes in the physical learning environment due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) disease pandemic, school administrators have had to move to teaching online and through distance learning platforms to keep students engaged and ensure the continuation of quality learning.

Additionally, it will provide a strong foundation for teaching with technology and explore distance learning design and delivery, while offering strategies for instructional supervision and management and sustainability of the school's e-infrastructure.

Upon completion of the VIL, the participants will be able to use digital, collaborative tools to enhance administrative duties from a distance, develop accountability systems to guide virtual engagement and supervision of staff, make educated decisions about the adoption of virtual learning environments and digital tools to support teaching and learning in their respective contexts, and coach their staff members on the use of a selected online platform to enhance students' learning experiences.

They will also be able to design psychosocial support systems/strategies to support teachers' professional growth in a crisis, assess the information and communications technology (ICT) capability of their individual schools, provide recommendations for addressing challenges associated with transitioning to distance learning, and conduct a feasibility assessment to determine the most appropriate virtual learning environment for their unique school context.

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