BULAWAYO’S hilarious duo of Zenzo Nyathi and Aleck Zulu, known to many as the Security Guys, have taken the social media by storm after posting their first socio-political satire skit that has gone viral on different digital platforms. BY KENNEDY NYAVAYA Prior to their newly found fame, Nyathi and Zulu were known for their roles as Mzambane and Snake in the yesteryear television drama series Amakorokoza that aired on the national broadcaster ZBC TV. In the latest short skits, the two are seen donning security guard uniforms as they conduct satiric Press conferences or engage in conversations about current affairs. The production’s creative director Raisedon Baya told NewsDay Life & Style that the new skits initially posted under the Two Minutes of Fame title were a way of amplifying an array of issues that affect citizens. “The idea was to experiment on something across boundary that would largely present social and political commentary (because) we realised that people no longer have time to sit down and watch something long,” he said. A renowned award-winning playwright and arts administrator, Baya said at a time a lot of quarrelling and polarisation had characterised the society in all aspects of life, not much had been done to champion unity as well as harmony by community leaders. “Our take has been that the skit has to be about issues that everyone can relate to because a lot of our people have found their voice through social media. So we even get suggestions on what the next skit could be about so it has become a platform where the nation can express its ideas,” he said. “The use of security guards is symbolic because of the idea that we are under some sort of military rule as a nation so you would find that security people are also in every sector of the country which puts them very close to all the issues that happen.” Baya said jest had played a critical role in giving a voice to the people and opening their eyes to some of the issues affecting society. “I think artistes are supposed to be the voice of the voiceless in society, because their work largely reflects what is in the community and when they communicate through their work. It adds to the national discourse because if artistes do not speak, no one else can,” he said. “With humour you are not confrontational because most of the issues we present are sensitive, but packaging them in skits leaves everyone laughing and afterwards they remain in a position to deal with issues in a more level-headed state.” Baya said they had come up with short clips from Bulawayo so that they could give a southern twist to famous projects in the country like Bustop TV and The Week. “We figured that there was gap since Magamba Network and Bustop TV are based in Harare, we are here to complement each other because what is important at the end of the day is that we are able to bring out important issues and we would love to collaborate with them in the future,” he said.