Serena Williams and her daughter Alexis Olympia Ohanian Jr. had the internet in fits of laughter after the tennis star shared a video showing the names her 4-year-old has given her dolls. In a TikTok captioned , "Tell me where you are from without telling me," Williams picked up three dolls and asked her daughter what their names were. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Serena Williams (@serenawilliams) The first doll she named after herself, calling her "Olympia." Speaking of the second doll, Olympia appeared to refer to her as "Moo." But the third doll's name was likely not expected. Williams asked her daughter again what the name of this doll was, to which Olympia responded, "Sheneneh." "Her name is Sheneneh girl," she added in a sassier tone. Williams captioned the video by jokingly writing, "What can I say?" The reference to the Martin character had some people in stitches, commenting that Williams must have "been watching Martin with the baby." “That baby did not...