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Seven dead, 345 new covid19 cases - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

SEVEN more people were reported on Friday to have died of covid19, said the Ministry of Health in its daily update, while 345 more became infected from Sunday-Thursday.

The dead were two elderly males, three elderly females and two middle-aged females. Four victims had multiple comorbidities, two had one and one had none. These co-morbidities included diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, a history of stroke, pulmonary fibrosis, lupus and prostate cancer.

Of Trinidad and Tobago's population, 50.3 per cent are now fully vaccinated, namely 700,764 people, compared to 696,236 who have had no doses or just a first dose.

TT now has 21,739 active cases.

Since the pandemic begun in March 2020, 3,649 people have died. Of these, 2,999 were not fully vaccinated, 248 were fully vaccinated and 390 occurred before May 24, 2021, when the first cohorts became fully vaccinated.

Of all covid19 patients between July 22, 2021 and March 2, 2022, some 13,704 (82.7 per cent) were not fully vaccinated, while 2,859 (17.3) per cent were fully vaccinated.

During the pandemic, 129,321 patients have tested positive, of whom 103,933 recovered.

At present, 21,134 are in home self-isolation, 218 in hospital and 42 in step-down facilities.

To date, 636,623 people have been tested, of whom 288,396 were tested at private facilities and 348,227 at public facilities.

So far some 703,764 people are fully vaccinated, comprising 648,361 people having had the second dose of a two-dose regime and 55,403 having had a single-dose regime. Some 686,819 people have had the first of a two-dose regime. Some 137,166 people have had a booster dose

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