Sheryl Lee Ralph was overcome with emotion after receiving her first Emmy nomination. Ralph’s son went to social media on Tuesday to share a video of the moment when his mother received the big news. The clip shows the actress struggling to put words together as she spoke on the phone with the person who relayed the major announcement. “Oh My God,” the actress said during the call, holding her head and mouth in disbelief. “I don’t know what to say.” Ralph’s loved ones can be heard in the background, filling the room with cheers as the Abbott Elementary actress speaks on the call. “With over 50 years of being in this thing we call showbusiness, today my mother became an Emmy nominated actress,” the star’s son wrote on Instagram. “I’m so proud of @thesherylralph. I’m so glad I could be here in Jamaica with you for this moment. (excuse the mess in the video, we’re remodeling our bathroom lol).” with over 50 years of being in this thing we call showbusiness, today my mother became an...