As the brains behind successful ABC shows such as Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal, writer, showrunner and executive producer Shonda Rhimes has dealt with her fair share of backlash from disgruntled fans. In an interview with The Sunday Times in London, Rhimes revealed that she had security detail outside of her Los Angeles home after receiving death threats from angry fans of Grey’s Anatomy “They got mean,” Rhimes said. “And you never knew who was going to really take offense in the wrong way.” Rhimes reportedly had a police car stationed outside her home for a week following each season finale of the ABC medical drama. “It was because people are dangerous and strange,” Rhimes added. “I wanted to just be able to walk out my front door and hang out with my kids and not be worried,” she continued. “I would lay awake at night with stress.” Eventually, she began having 24-hour security, noting that friends were able to help her as well. “I had some very helpful friends who’d had similar...