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SOS from Government - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


THIS IS an urgent call to the people of TT. From Government. I am unwell. Out of sorts. Sick, I think. Constitutionally weak. Save me. Put a hand. I want fixing. Fix me first. I must be your first port for fixing.

As you know if I fall, everything falls around me. I am the chief servant of the people, lands and communities of the republic. Your chief cook and bottlewasher. Your chief instrument of legislature, execution, justice. If your instrument is blunted, brittle, rusted, bent or half-twisted, how are we to presume? Prevail? Conquer and win the battles before us. A weak body and constitution can never fight, much less fight battles, major battles, and win.

As you also know, I am the chief servant of your health. From birth, even before you were born, in your mother's womb, to death. I provide admin, clinics, hospitals, train doctors, surgeons, nurses, support staff at publicly-funded institutions; and furnish these with managers and a vast array of support staff. I provide this free of charge. And despite improvements in certain sectors, I am bursting at the seams. Long time for patients to do operations. Shortage of basic drugs and some critical services. Long waiting times at emergency and for appointments.

Thankfully, the private healthcare system, for those who could pay, has stepped in. Complemented, supplemented some of my work. But this is not enough. Unhealthy fat. Too many obese, boobooloops people in this nation. Waddling from mall to movie town like ducks. Not good. Too many people suffer the wait, or die waiting, for operations or essential medical services. And frankly, too many people who harm their own bodies, either through ignorance or rank wutlessness.

As you know, health, education and food supply are as one link in my chain. The pre, primary and secondary schools, most of which I fund, provide furnishings, salaries, land, buildings, pay rents, the administrative architecture, provide the greatest catchment of our citizens. At any one time, roughly 220,000 citizens are loaded into this catchment.

Provide them with nutritious, healthy, tasty foods at this stage, and they will grow into it. Provide them with scientific knowledge about their health and body care, and they will take care of their bodies. Provide them with skills - skills, skills, skills - especially reading and computer literacy, to become independent seekers of knowledge and livelihoods. Provide proper training for ethical work or sports. Training to pass proper civil service exams to properly serve the public, not misdirect it. To employ real, not fake, common digital portals.

I am also entrusted to provide safety and a feeling of security for all the citizens of the republic. It grieves me that I cannot. Murder, corruption in high and low places, drug and gun warfare, gang violence involving extortion, hits, mutual slaughter. Not good. What is the point of having a republic when the public fears the public, feels unsafe in their streets, cars, businesses, yards and in recreational spac

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