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Stresses of life and politics - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

From what is being seen, heard and read daily, we are becoming a real stressed-out society. It is stress, stress and more stress from covid, murders, traffic, home invasions, floods, frustrations from high prices, broken government services, managing children, broken drains, landslides, etc.

These are in addition to what many experience at work or home. Few of us escape stress in today’s unfriendly socio-economic and political environment. We may not actually feel it, but it is there, creeping bit by bit upon us. The results of such unrelenting stress are not only economic and social, but dangerous, psychologically.

Usually arising from repeated frustrations and grief, psychological stress affects heart rate, blood pressure, diabetes and emotional stability. It is poison to both body and mind. It is known as a silent killer. The behavioural symptoms from heavy stress range from irritability, explosive temper, violence to “running amok.” Moral restraint is thrown aside.

At the other extreme are depression and suicide. Unresolved problems and grievances produce intense stress levels.

Government agencies and their oath-driven politicians must be sensitive enough now to understand the pressures, grievances and stresses upon citizens. Their sworn responsibility is to empathise and help.

Some things are naturally inevitable. Others are sensibly preventive. Regarding the latter, with Dr Rowley we have a group of key public-welfare ministers like Marvin Gonzales, Donna Cox, Faris Al-Rawi, Rohan Sinanan and Fitzgerald Hinds with special preventive and healing responsibilities.

Use science now for prevention, not wait until problems erupt. It is lawlessness when a government agency fails in its legal duty. Why wait for noisy street protests, burning tyres or court action for citizens to get the services they deserve?

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One of the worst forms of stress upon citizens today comes from having their complaints repeatedly ignored by government agencies. Too much political advantage is being taken of hard-pressed, troubled citizens. The country must not appear to have jungle standards, with every man for himself and a dog-eat-dog culture in which only the strong and politically well-connected survive. This is to create a “two-nation” state.

If present conditions continue, the frustration-driven stresses will burst out into increased mental illness, interpersonal violence, road rage, property crimes, anti-establishment sentiments, etc.

Our widespread levels of stress, instigated by the harsh social, economic and political conditions, could be reduced by improved government care, empathy and performance. It is a well-researched fact that the quality of environment has a direct impact on citizens’ quality of life.

Of course, as the sympathetic evangelists advise, it would help relieve stress if you believe in your spiritual self, pray and have faith in the Almighty. This has helped many find the peace they were looking for.


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