Former national security adviser Susan Rice on Friday delivered a damning assessment of the Trump White House’s record on race, describing the administration as “racist to its core.”
MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell asked Rice to comment on the resignation of senior State Department official Mary Elizabeth Taylor, one of the White House’s highest-ranking Black aides.
Rice said Taylor’s resignation was “better late than never.”
“You know, to serve an administration which has been racist to its core for the last three and a half years, from comparing the peaceful protesters at Charlottesville to white supremacists, calling white supremacists very fine people, all the way through to the recent weeks where the administration has disparaged the Black Lives Matter movement, disparaged the peaceful protesters, and basically made plain that they prefer to stand by a Confederate legacy than a modern America, it’s been an administration whose record on race is just disgraceful,” continued Rice.
Rice took another swipe at Trump later in the interview when she described presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden as “somebody who can heal and unify the nation and remove Donald Trump and consign him and those who supported him in the Senate to the trash heap of history.”